Welcome to the St. Michael Intercessory Prayer Chain
The purpose of our prayer chain is to pray for your requests. If you are struggling with job loss, financial difficulties, serious illness, depression, addictions or any difficulty that you are burdened with let us intercede for you. St. Michael Prayer Group prays for the intentions of St. Michael parishioners and their family/friends. When placing someone on the prayer chain, please obtain their permission when giving full names and circumstances. You may also enter your prayer request as a “special intention.”
In Cor. 12:27-28 it says that we are the Body of Christ, called to serve the Church and we at St. Michael parish prayer group commit to intercede on your behalf. If one member of the body suffers, we all suffer. As a son/daughter of Christ we pray that you stay strong and holy.
Please be assured that all prayers requests are kept confidential.